About the event

The purpose of the conference is to discuss the need for training within the urban greening field in order to support its development.

By means of this conference, we aim to bring together all those who can support the development of urban greening in Romania, from representatives of central and local public authorities, professional associations, educational institutions to international experts who support development of this field.
During the event we will talk about the importance of urban greening, the need for professionals’ quality training and collaboration among stakeholders. We will do this in the context of the “Atlas of professions and skills in urban greening” research report launch.
The event focuses on professionals in fields that support urban greening (landscapers, architects, urban planners, horticulturists, arboriculturists, construction specialists, etc.), training providers or those who want to develop training programs in these areas, representatives of local authorities, other persons interested in this subject.


See the agenda HERE.
About the event

The purpose of the conference is to discuss the need for training within the urban greening field in order to support its development.

By means of this conference, we aim to bring together all those who can support the development of urban greening in Romania, from representatives of central and local public authorities, professional associations, educational institutions to international experts who support development of this field.
During the event we will talk about the importance of urban greening, the need for professionals’ quality training and collaboration among stakeholders. We will do this in the context of the “Atlas of professions and skills in urban greening” research report launch.
The event focuses on professionals in fields that support urban greening (landscapers, architects, urban planners, horticulturists, arboriculturists, construction specialists, etc.), training providers or those who want to develop training programs in these areas, representatives of local authorities, other persons interested in this subject.


10:00 – 10:15
Opening ceremony.
Vocational training in the field of urban greening in accordance with the objectives of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Romania 2030
László Borbély, State Counselor,
Coordinator of the Department for Sustainable Development
10:15 – 10:25
Professions and skills for sustainable development, in particular for urban greening. Perspectives in an international context.
Raluca Turcan, Minister of Labor and Social Protection (TBC)
10:25 – 10:35
Urban greening in the context of urban development. Perspectives, challenges, and solutions
Cseke Attila, Minister of Development, Public Works, and Administration (TBC)
10:35 – 10:45
Urban greening in the Netherlands
ES Roelof Van Ees, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Romania
10:45 – 11:25
Panel discussion
” Development perspectives in the field of urban greening. Opportunities, challenges, and solutions”
Cornel Bertea Hanganu, Counselor to the Department for Sustainable Development
Emil Boc, President of the Association of Romanian Municipalities
Conf. univ. dr. Simona Munteanu, President of Bucharest Branch of the Order of Architects of Romania
Diana Culescu, President of The Professional Association of Urbanists in Romania
Emil Ivănescu, President of the Association of Landscape Architects in Romania
Dorin Beu, President of Romanian Green Building Council, Transilvania Branch
11:25 – 11:35
Research report
”Atlas of Professions and Competencies in Urban Greening”
Aurel Brudan, CEO The KPI Institute
11:35 – 12:15
International panel discussion
”Why is professional development in the field of urban greening so important?”
Aurel Brudan, CEO The KPI Institute
Stelina Chatzichristou, CEDEFOP Expert
Pavel Luksha, Director at Global Education Futures, co-founder at Global Change Leaders
Ekaterina Loshkareva, Board Member Strategic Development – WorldSkills International
Henrik Bos, President of European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA)
12:15 – 12:55
Panel discussion
”Vocational training for the development of urban greening”
Florentina Nanu, Executive Director of the Center of Excellence for Agri-Food and Sustainable Development Educational Resources
Prof.univ.dr. Adrian Constantin Asănică, Dean of the Horticulture Faculty, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicines Bucharest
Conf. dr. arh. Claudiu Runceanu, Dean of the Faculty of Urbanism, University of Architecture and Urbanism ”Ion Mincu” Bucharest
Conf. univ. dr. ing. Mihail Iancovici, Dean of the Faculty of Civil, Industrial, and Agricultural Constructions, Technical University of Constructions, Bucharest
Jan Jeronimus, Project Leader of the European Platform for Urban Greening, Program Manager Internationalization at Yuverta College, Netherlands
Prof. Marinela Culea, Principal at the Technological Highschool Cezar Nicolau Brănești
12:55 – 13:00
László Borbély, State Counselor, Coordinator of the Department for Sustainable Development